What up? How are you? We had our album release party last night and it was great!! Thanks so much to everyone who came down. We really felt the love and it seemed like everyone had a great time so what more could we ask for. We went big and brought out the strings, horns, Sissy debut our amazing Drag queen. Who introduced us saying "We were hotter then satans balls" now I think that is the best description any band could ever dream of! Stassi our great friend and bellydancer came and killed it with her moves and her beauty. Wow I am cheesy oh well.. We also had a gogo dancer come and shake her ass for everyone in JULIE the band underware of course! Go buy some! Please! Haha but seriously go buy our new album it helps support our habit and we want to keep bringing the love emotions drag queens and dreams. cdbaby.com/julietheband2 you can order online or go to amoeba in hollywood and grab it!
love you bye
Dustin fom Julie

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